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The Holland Account

General Information

The Holland Account
Artist Name: The Holland Account
Genre(s): alternative,rock,hard rock
Contact: thehollandaccountband - at -
(317) 748-2424
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Vocals: Nick Ramey
Guitar: Gumby
Guitar: Brandon Morgan
Bass: Dan "Gonzo" Minnerick
Percussion: Ryan Cox
Related Bands: (unavailable)


The Holland Account is an original Hard Rock/Alternative experiment from Indianapolis, Indiana that has blended the many influences and personalities of five individuals into one cohesive audible experience. The Holland Account has dissected and exploited its fundamental elements that come from Progressive Rock, Dub, Funk, Metal, Blues, and Hard Rock. On guitar, Gumby and Brandon Morgan bring raw emotion to the music with soulful and powerful lyricist/vocalist, Nick Ramey. Bringing the pulse to the madness are Ryan Cox on drums and Dan Minnerick on bass. The energy and chemistry of The Holland Account has charged their ever-expanding international fan base and grown into one of the most exciting, spontaneous, and entertaining bands to take the stage.

The Holland Account has a number of strong independent sonic offerings; the "Answers" and "Mirrors" E.P's in 2010, and "City Eats The Sky" June 2011 (available on iTunes) which they are currently performing and promoting. The Holland Account is in production on their Spring/Summer 2012 outing, "Sky's Revenge". In a joint venture with Digital Rabbit Productions, they independently released their first music video for the single, "March of the Lost" ( Since October 2011, it has gotten over 16,000 views and the number grows daily.

The Holland Account's current catalog samples their eclectic tastes and unique qualities. When not rehearsing and recording, you can find The Holland Account delivering their ground-shaking message across the Midwest to fans of diverse backgrounds. They have had amazing opportunities in 2011 including being the Local Headliner for a number of national artists such as XFactor1, Bobaflex, and Nonpoint. The Holland Account can be heard on the Indy X-Files show on X103 WRZX and on multiple stations throughout the Midwest as well as and other Internet radio stations. As a result of all of this exposure, The Holland Account has been fortunate enough to bring aboard several sponsors/endorsers such as Roaring Lion Energy Drink, and Warwick Basses.

After a very impressive 2011, The Holland Account doesn't rest and wait. They are planning for an even more exciting 2012! Aside from their upcoming "Sky's Revenge" E.P, The Holland Account is also planning a number of large shows all over the Midwest and beyond as well as a brand new music video. They are raw... They are independent... They are driven... They are The Holland Account!

"We do as we sonically please! WELCOME TO HOLLAND!"

For Booking Information and Press, please contact: Nick Ramey (317) 748-2424


Featured Releases

City Eats the Sky


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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