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Jeremiah Cosner and the Concrete Sailors

General Information

Jeremiah Cosner and the Concrete Sailors
Artist Name: Jeremiah Cosner and the Concrete Sailors
Genre(s): rock,singer/songwriter
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Jeremiah Cosner has picked up a few sponsors (Rebel Prep and Crown Royal), opened for national touring acts (Matt White, Derek James, Jeremy Buck and the Bang!), been played on several Midwest radio stations (Z99.5 WZPL, X103, WIUX 99.1, and Q95 Bob and Tom Morning Show), performed in the CMA Fan Fair Fest in Nashville, TN this past June, and added a drummer and bass player to the show. For the past six years Jeremiah Cosner has been touring and playing solo acoustic around the midwest and in Bloomington, IN where he attended Indiana University, and earned his degree from the school of music.Since graduating, much sucess has come to this young talented singer/songwriter, including his new band "the Concrete Sailors." Ryan Rody, 26 year old drummer and Jeff Alexander, 20 year old bass player have really added a lot of energy to the show. The single, "Coney Island," (on his most recent record) has gained a lot of local interest and opened many doors into the live music scene, especially when they performed it live on the Bob and Tom Morning Show. "Spinning Away," "Lipstick and Cigarettes," and "Cinnamon" are all becoming crowd favoritesThis summer, Jeremiah Cosner and the Concrete Sailors are hitting the road to promote their new record and do what they do best..."make music."

Podcast Appearances:

Show #48

Featured Releases

Jeremiah Cosner


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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