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The Guiding

General Information

The Guiding
Artist Name: The Guiding
Contact: scentlessquinton - at -
Years Active: 2015 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Adam Ashrafian guitar/vocals
Noah Ashrafian Drums/backing harmonies
Quinton Alltop guitar/misc instruments
Related Bands: (unavailable)


we are local indianapolis band, in the heart of greenwood. this three piece didnt form until late November of 2014, while noah and adam were in the studio recording all the songs for their ep and lp release, they found quinton, who theyve known since high school. so quinton came in and learned the songs within two months to help finish their records.
which leads us to where we are now, we release our first ep, this February and love to share with the world.


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Today on Indy In-Tune

Listen Live:  

Happy Hump Day!

12:00 AM: Random Access Music
6:00 AM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 AM: Blind Pig Confessions
8:00 AM: Work Safe Weekday Music
6:00 PM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 PM: (Original Live Programming)
10:00 PM: Whiskey on the Rails
11:00 PM: Artist Spotlight

* Schedule subject to change without notice. Sorry, but that's rock and roll.