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Branch Gordon

General Information

Branch Gordon
Artist Name: Branch Gordon
Genre(s): alternative,singer/songwriter,pop,singer/songwriter
Contact: branch.gordon - at -
(317) 454-1008
Years Active: 2006 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Branch Gordon -- vocals, guitar
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Fans say that Branch's sound combines the rock-blues vocal stylings of John Mayer with the acoustic musings of Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz, all mashed up together into great music that is all his own.

Born and raised in a small town in Indiana, Branch Gordon began his songwriting career at the impressionable age of 7. Under the strict tutelage of his classical piano instructor, Branch learned the foundations to musical theory for nearly 10 years before being forever corrupted by rock-and-roll.

Almost two decades later, this singer / songwriter has transformed into a musical prodigy, able to effortlessly move from keyboards and guitars, vocals and percussion, from the electronic to the analog realm, with an ease and familiarity that is awe inspiring.

Branch delivered his first CD Release, titled "Under the Fluorescent Lights" in 2008; a personal tribute to 9-5 working musicians that dream of something more. His original music touches on experiences ranging from painful break-ups to the afterlife. The angry blues rock hit "So Long" describes being fed-up with relationship drama, and is currently enjoying a spot on the top 10 blues-rock chart on

Produced by William Smith (, and under the direction of Tyler Music Group ( in Nashville, TN, Branch released his self-titled E.P. in the summer of 2009. The demo was recorded at the Sound Emporium, and brought together some of Nashville's finest musicians.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #49

Show #156

Featured Releases

Branch Gordon (5 Song EP)

Under the Flourescent Lights (3 Song Demo)


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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