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Brian Pitzer

General Information

Brian Pitzer
Artist Name: Brian Pitzer
Genre(s): rock,singer/songwriter
Contact: brianpitzermusic - at -
Years Active: 2008 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Brian Pitzer - Vocals/Guitar
Various bass players and percussionists.
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Brian Pitzer was born and raised in Frankfort, Indiana in a house often full of live music. His grandmother, Maxine Obermiller-Pitzer and Uncle Rex Pitzer used to get together and play often. This proved to be the foundation of Brian's love of music.
Brian has been singing and songwriting since he was 2-3 years old and singing in bands since the age of 18. Radio,records and live music is as essential and necessary to him as 3 meals a day.
Brian broke away from the band scene in the late '90's and decided in 2000 to begin pursuing solo singer/songwriting and poetry. His pen has a direct connection to his heart The feelings,thoughts and convictions are obvious and sincere in every line. His songs will help you get to know him and help you get to know yourself a little better as well.
It's been a long, road and Brian has been through many rough times in his life. Periods of alcohol and drug abuse, jail time, car wrecks, a failed marriage, periods of isolation. "Some of my best songs were written in jail!" Brian has often exclaimed. His writing also reflects alot of time on the road away from loved ones. All of the trials Brian has made it through have proven to strenghten his character and ability to persevere. They have also molded him as a songwriter who's capable of boldly facing up to the triumphs and tragedies of life and creating songs that cleverly convey that to the listener.
Despite the drama throughout the years, Brian has retained an excellent sense of humor. You will immediately recognize this in his clever lyrics, mild to severe sarcasm and unusual take on life from a left-handed, right mind perspective. If you get a chance to see Brian perform live, you might even forget your at a music venue, rather than watching impromptu, standup comedy.
Brian is currently playing coffeehouses,festivals and pubs all over his native Indiana, as well as Illinois, Kentucky and will be playing the 2010 Infringement Festival in Buffalo, New York. Wherever people want to hear good, original music from an independent performer, you will find Brian Pitzer.
Brian has been diligently working on his new Album,'The Hall',which is slated for a late April/early May release. 'The Hall' was recorded in a cornfield somewhere near Lafayette at Sound Logic Studio. It's a look at his life and the journey through rough times that have brought him out and into the light at the end of The Hall. You will be hard pressed to pin a genre on the CD as a whole. Alll 10 tracks are familiar to eachother, yet stand alone. From the country rock sound of 'Brother' and the dark, folk feel of 'The Hall',to the melodic blues of 'Dark Blue', there is something waiting for everyone in 'The Hall'.
Brian's goal is to touch the hearts of those who listen and share his music with the world.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #86

Featured Releases

A Few Good Songs

The Hall


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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