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General Information

Artist Name: Henderson
Genre(s): progressive,alternative
Contact: rockmehenderson - at -
Years Active: 2007 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Douglas - Vox, Guitar
Luke - Vox, Guitar, Mandolin, Accordion, Bells
Kerry - Vox, Drums
Percy - Bass
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Henderson formed in mid-2007 in order to promote Douglas Henderson's debut attempt at writing, recording, and producing his own album. The band went on to incorporate a fourth member later that year, adding a depth to the band that was sorely needed. As their creative stylings merged and evolved, the band found themselves quickly becoming undefinable, adding to the appeal of their music.

For the next year and half, Henderson played with some of Indianapolis' most talented musicians and had the privilege of supporting many national acts including KID:NAP:KIN, Jacob's Ladder, Prizzy Prizzy Please, Agent Ribbons, and many others. However, despite their growing popularity, Douglas Henderson found his life pulling him in another direction and Henderson played their last show almost exactly two years after they formed.

Currently the band is preparing to unite again for a "reunion-esque" show on December 19, at The Vollrath in Indianapolis. After which, Henderson's future is unclear, but they're determined to continue creating music with or without each other.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #29

Featured Releases


Upcoming Dates

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