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Art Adams Band

General Information

Art Adams Band
Artist Name: Art Adams Band
Genre(s): rockabilly
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


CHERRY RECORDS released Art's first 45 "Indian Joe" b/w "Rock Crazy Baby" in the late 50's. A year later, they released his second 45 "Dancing Doll" b/w "She Don't Live Hear No More." These 45's are original authentic rockabilly music that have been selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay. These original songs have been reproduced on vinyl over the years and also re-released on several compilation albums including a recent release on Rhino Records - Rockin' Bones: '50s Punk & Rockabilly.

In 2003, Collector Records released an original 50's cd, "Rock Crazy Baby," that included several practice sessions in addition to the early recordings. Art released a second cd, "Rockin' My Way Around," in 2005 on Collector Records with The Art Adams Band. In 2006, "Dancing Doll" was released on Flying Saucer Records.

The Art Adams Band new cd "The Truth" on Smokin' Ace Records and Art's 50 year anniversay 45, Rock Crazy Baby which has been release by Norton Records can be purchased at


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