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General Information

Artist Name: Mysteriana
Genre(s): classic rock,indie
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Mysteriana is a rock group based out of Indianapolis, Indiana formed in 2009 by songwriters/multi-instrumentalists Lance Tyler and Daniel Lomelino. Growing up together they developed a fascination for music and art at a young age, which has helped them retain the artistic integrity and values of the music they grew up with. With a clear vision in mind, they handle all writing, recording, production and art design themselves.

Their sound is otherworldly and reminiscent of the 90's featuring wailing vocals with haunting harmonies, energetic and ambient guitars, picturesque lyrics, melodic piano and strings, all with an epic feel and touch of the theatrical.

We have played at The Elbo Room in Chicago and many times at Birdy's as well as numerous college campus venues such as Illinois State and Ball State. Mysteriana pronounced as "MY"steriana has also held the top 2 positions for the past two weeks on Red Rooster Radio's Top 40 Charts

You can check us out immediately at or or check out our music directly at

Please get in touch with any questions, and we hope to hear from you soon!

TK Brissey and Mysteriana


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