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Mark Proctor

General Information

Mark Proctor
Artist Name: Mark Proctor
Genre(s): folk, rock, Americana
Years Active: 1964 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Mark Proctor started first as a singer in his local boys' choir in 1964, quickly adding bass guitar to his arsenal a year later. By 1966 he was the singer and bass player in his first garage band, the Towne Criers. In 1969, he began working on his guitar chops to continue advancing his solo career. For nearly five decades since he has graced stages everywhere from venues to weddings to church bands to private parties to farmers markets to local venues. Currently he is a much loved and respected member of the local folk/Americana scene and can usually be found at open mics as a solo artist or singing and playing bass in the local folk/rock/bluegrass band The Peach Pickers.


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Yes Dear

I Hear Music

I Am a Lucky Man

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