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Bubba Fontaine

General Information

Bubba Fontaine
Artist Name: Bubba Fontaine
Genre(s): Ambient, Avant Garde, Fusion, Indie, Progressive, Psychadelic, Reggae
Contact: Bubba Fontaine
bubbafontaine1 - at -
Years Active: 2000 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Bubba Fontaine - guitar, synth, vocal, production

Various players: Lynzi Stringer, Seagers Rodrigues, Aryn Ross, Shaan France, Nate Gray, Mitchell Beck, Mark Ortwein, Barb Kaufman, Richard Dole, Heath Schlatter, Amanda Gardier, Bradley Dujmovic, Katie Josway
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Bubba Fontaine was born in Indianapolis, IN in 1975. He is a composer, producer, recording engineer, and guitarist. Mr. Fontaine is a graduate from the Ball State Music Engineering program (2001), and holds a doctorate in Audiology from Indiana University (2005).

Mr. Fontaine's music combines elements of rock, psychedelics, jazz, funk, electronic, and contemporary classical styles. He is heavily influenced by artists who use complex rhythms and meter, elements of atonal harmony and melody, as well as unique instrumentation.

Currently, he is playing guitar and writing music for his own band 'Fontaine', as well as focusing on the release of solo projects for audio and video.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #315

Show #340

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