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Exit 113 Band

General Information

Exit 113 Band
Artist Name: Exit 113 Band
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Tony Pettit -- vocals, harp, mandolin
Greg Schumucker -- guitar, vocals
Dale Sutton -- bass, vocals
Dan Vincent -- guitar, vocals
Mike Warnell -- keyboards, sax
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Along with many of the classic songs you love to hear, Exit 113 plays a mix of styles; classic and southern rock, orchestrated rhythm and blues, classic country, and both low and high energy blues.

The artists that we cover include Joe Cocker, The Band, Ray Charles, The Rolling Stones, Crosby Still Nash & Young, The Allman Brothers, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Mearl Haggard, Santana, Wilson Pickett, Cream, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Leon Russell, and many more.

Our instrumentation includes acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, lap steel guitar, mandolin, harmonica, percussion, saxophone and a wide array of keyboards .

By utilizing a state-of-the-art Carvin sound enhancement system and a sound engineer.


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