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Quantum Fuzz

General Information

Quantum Fuzz
Artist Name: Quantum Fuzz
Genre(s): rock,pop
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Travis Jensen -- vocals, piano
Gregg Jones -- guitar, vocals
Jason Koch -- bass
Jeff Magby -- drums
Randy Holland -- drums
Chico Jensen -- bass, vocals
Related Bands: The Danny Isaacs Band, HEAVENandHELL, Whoa!Tiger, Vestiges of Ecstasy, Machine Down


Back in the day, we banged out the rock! Quantum Fuzz hailed from the hallowed halls of Purdue in West Lafayette, Indiana. We had some great times and made a ton of friends! Now we each bang out the rock in our own way!

Jonas plays in 2 Indianapolis bands; Danny Isaacs Band ( and Vestiges Of Ecstasy (

Chico plays in a Poison tribute band called Posin (

Jeff makes a living teaching drums and playing gigs.

Travis, Jonas and Jeff have hooked up with bassist Jason Koch and are currently in process recording 8 new songs for release sometime in 2008! It's good stuff!! Quantum Fuzz will ride again!!


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