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Scooter Hanes

General Information

Scooter Hanes
Artist Name: Scooter Hanes
Genre(s): rock,singer/songwriter
Contact: info - at -
(317) 965-5513
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Greg Graf -- guitar, vocals
Scooter Hanes -- guitar, vocals
Steve Hanes -- bass
Johnny Miner -- drums, percussion
Ward Walker -- drums, percussion
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Scooter Hanes has been performing for 26 years. From Indiana to Pennsylvania to New Jersey to The Berkshires..... Bands, Solo, Trio's, Duo's, Theater - been there done that! 3 CD's Released 1994 Dreams Under The Tree 1996 Maiden Voyage 2006 Electric Reindeer Land

Podcast Appearances:

Show #38

Featured Releases


Upcoming Dates

(no shows found on calendar)


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Gear Up for Summer

As seen on the webcam. Are you one of those people who can't survive without copious amounts of coffee in the morning? You definitely need one of our stainless steel travel mugs. Give your caffeine the gift of style...