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Jon Knight

General Information

Jon Knight
Artist Name: Jon Knight
Genre(s): singer/songwriter,Blues,Classic Rock,Hard Rock,Instrumental,Progressive
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Jon Knight - Guitarssssssssss
Related Bands: (unavailable)


I am 49 years old and have been playing guitar since I was 7. In numerous original/cover rock, blues etc. bands in Indy area since I moved here in 1985.
My last band was Whoa!Tiger and for the last two years I have slowly but surely moved toward studio work along with Mike Lyons of Azmyth Recording.

I am no longer performing live and do not wish to book dates or promote myself as a live performer. (save the occasional sit in) Strictly interested in promoting the last Whoa!Tiger release (which I co-wrote and have rights to) my latest music and my co-written music along with Mike Lyons for public consumption and to be used in TV/Movie/Radio spots.

I would be promoting my most recent single Frantic Chase as well as other co-written (Mike Lyons) material that is TV/Movie friendly. I'm open to any discussion topic and promise not to break down in tears or curl up into the fetal position.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #187

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