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:: RIAA to Universities: Help Us Threaten Your Students

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation (editor at eff dot org)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:50:00 PM


Not content with wasting universities' resources via their usual tactics -- i.e., flooding them with machine-generated complaints about file sharing -- the major record labels are now demanding that universities help them shake down students.

The RIAA has asked universities and colleges to forward "pre-lawsuit" letters to alleged filesharers that promise a "discounted" settlement price if the student agrees to pay up immediately. Forwarding the letters saves the RIAA the trouble and expense of filing a lawsuit to obtain students' contact information -- a savings that may be redirected to more lawsuits.

To add insult to injury, the letters advise students to contact the RIAA if they have any questions. It's safe to say that the RIAA is unlikely to give students the full picture. For example, will the RIAA tell students that parents are generally not liable for infringements committed by their kids, or that the record labels sometimes sue the wrong people? Probably not.

We think students should seek out less biased sources of information -- and their institutions should assist in that process. Toward that end, we've put together a short FAQ to help students learn more about their options; we hope colleges and universities that forward the RIAA's threat letter will take the additional step of directing students to this FAQ as well as other neutral information sources:

The University of Wisconsin is refusing to forward the pre-litigation letters to its students. Says Brian Rust of UW's IT department: "These settlement letters are an attempt to short circuit the legal process to rely on universities to be their legal agent." We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

Of course, the RIAA should not be putting universities in this perverse position in the first place. Let academic institutions stick with their real mission -- educating students, not helping to threaten them.

Take action now to help stop the lawsuit campaign:

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:: Tammy Dial Day
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:: RIAA to Parents: Pay When They're Toddlers and Save the Bother Later

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As seen on the webcam. Are you one of those people who can't survive without copious amounts of coffee in the morning? You definitely need one of our stainless steel travel mugs. Give your caffeine the gift of style...

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