The Indy In-Tune Blog

Covering you from the front row, to backstage, and right out to the alley behind the club.

An In-Snide Look: I Think I Could Get Used to this Life Sometimes

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, June 7, 2020
The recent popularity of live streaming shows has made me remember the pioneering days of live streaming ... and think about what this might mean for the future, particularly for people like me who don't really like the crowded venue experience.... (Read Full Article)

Getting Down to Earth with mOOnMen

By: Amy Foxworthy -- Sunday, February 16, 2020
It’s 8:00 p.m. on a Monday in a dim room inside of Indy’s most aesthetically interesting venue, Healer... (Read Full Article)

The Musical Journey of Jethro Easyfields

By: Amy Foxworthy -- Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Blues. Rock. Folk. Country. Punk. Roots. Americana. The music of Jethro Easyfields is all these things blended together and so much more.... (Read Full Article)

Monday Mixtape: Etwasprog

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, February 10, 2020
Okay, not sure what to call this stuff. It's proggy, but not always prog. Does that make sense?... (Read Full Article)

Monday Mixtape: Excerpts from the Summer of 2014

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, January 20, 2020
Don't give yourself an anuerism trying to figure out why these tracks relate together in my mind, just enjoy this mix of songs and styles.... (Read Full Article)

Mix Tape Monday: Mashin' it Up

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, January 13, 2020
A while back, I was put in charge of the musical selections on a trip back from St. Louis. It went in a weird direction.... (Read Full Article)

Mix Tape Monday: Back to the Gym Workout

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, January 6, 2020
This week's "Monday Playlist" is dedicated to all of the suburban housewives who have infiltrated my gym this month. Too bad you won't last, probably because you don't have my boss MP3 player.... (Read Full Article)

Top Ten Most Annoying Types of Music Fans

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, January 4, 2020
I know I've been reposting this to death, but since it's somewhat music-related, I figured the people here who don't follow my other stuff would appreciate it.... (Read Full Article)

Album Review: Sietch Ramshackle "U.R.//Nctrl"

By: Amy Foxworthy -- Saturday, December 28, 2019
Sietch Ramshackle’s new album “U.R.//Nctrl” picks up where 2018’s “May I Rise” left off. In a sense, they could be considered two albums as one unit.... (Read Full Article)

Mix Tape Monday: Darrin's Favorite Discoveries of 2019

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 16, 2019
This week's "Monday Playlist" is dedicated to ten artists I discovered this year that have joined the coveted ranks of "artists I play and talk about so often that it annoys all my friends."... (Read Full Article)

Today on Indy In-Tune

Listen Live:  

Happy Hump Day!

12:00 AM: Random Access Music
6:00 AM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 AM: Blind Pig Confessions
8:00 AM: Work Safe Weekday Music
6:00 PM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 PM: (Original Live Programming)
10:00 PM: Whiskey on the Rails
11:00 PM: Artist Spotlight

* Schedule subject to change without notice. Sorry, but that's rock and roll.

Solicitations and Submissions

Solicitations for blog posts can be made by sending and email to "blog -at- indyintune -dot- com" and should follow these guidelines:

  • Local (Indianapolis-based) acts always have priority.
  • Visisting acts playing a bill with one or more local acts are also considered.
  • We generally don't like to repeat content found on other sites. If your request already has a lot of coverage on other sites, it will be considered low-priority unless you can give us an exclusive angle.
  • For obvious reasons, we don't do solicited album reviews, though we do appreciate you letting us know when you have a new release. Consider coming in and talking about the album yourself live on the air or a podcast.
  • All of our staff writers are unpaid enthusiasts. All requests for blog posts are entirely at their descretion.
  • As such, they generally need a lot of lead-time to put something out -- we're talking weeks of lead time, not hours.
  • That said, individual authors have full authority to ignore the following guidelines and write whatever they want ... if you can convince them to.
  • In addition, feel free to write your own post and submit it for posting as a "guest blogger." Those almost always get accepted.
  • Finally, regional or national acts submitting without meeting the above guidelines are generally ignored. We're not trying to be dicks, but if you send us a generic form-letter with your press release, and it doesn't even remotely concern a local artist or event, then you're not part of our core focus.