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An In-Snide Look #378: Holiday Challenge Update, Week 1

By: Darrin Snider (darrin at indyintune dot com)
Friday, December 12, 2014 5:00:00 PM


Okay, folks, we're nearing the end of the first week of the Indy In-Tune Holiday challenge, and I have to say, this whole "giving spirit" thing has been an absolute blast. When I think back to nine years ago or so when Indy In-Tune was a fermenting idea in my alcohol-soaked skull, one of the things that made it really appealing was the chance to meet new people, make a few friends, and hear some great music. What I've come to realize in the years since then is that ... well ... I've met all you people. This has been a real chance to connect with a few artists regionally, nationally, and internationally in order to spread the word that Indianapolis has a unified music scene, and we support our musical peers everywhere.

Just to recap, I previously posted about how all this got accidentally started. What I haven't done is get everyone updated as to how it's going. So, first off, let me say a big thank you to everyone who embraced, ran away with, or at least helped spread the word about this idea. Quite a few of you jumped on it -- not as many as I had hoped -- but I think everyone "gets" what we're trying to do here.  Since it really was an impromptu idea on a Monday night, and not really announced until Tuesday, I know everyone kinda feels like it was sprung on them at the spur of the moment, so hopefully we can pull some more into the fold for a second week. Next, I had no idea this would become really friggin' addictive. I've had so much fun with this, and since not everything I've backed looks like it's going to get funded, I'm going to keep it going for at least another week, and maybe through the holiday itself. So, I invite everyone to jump in, even if it's just two or three bucks sporadically over the next few weeks. Honestly, it's all about the people, not so much the dollar amounts. You'll meet some very cool musicians who are thrilled that their music was heard by a stranger, and you'll gain a lot of paid-forward karma points if you're into such things.

Just to recap where I'm at, personally, and to inform everyone of some great projects, in case they want to boost my own humble efforts and make a more substantial contribution in the name of Indianapolis Music...

  • Day 1: Bam Morgan's Debut E.P.: As previously mentioned, this is kinda where it started. Just decided to be nice and throw some bucks at a project based on a recommendation from a friend of mine over in England. Felt so good about it, I figured everyone needed to experience the joy of a random act of kindness, and so the idea was born.

  • Day 2: Captain Chaos "Shadows of Order" LP: So in scanning through projects to back, I found this guy down in Bloomington, whom I had never heard of -- which I thought was weird in and of itself. He didn't have a video or sample of his music, but the name (evoking Cannonball Run, intentionally or not), and the mention of ukulele, punk rock, and boxed set in the description meant I had to back it just to see what the hell it was.

  • Day 3: Johanna Jingnert's Debut EP: I decided it really didn't do this to only back local and regional acts, so I went as far out of my way as I could to find the next project.  Sweden was about as far away as I could get without learning a foreign language to see what I was backing.  Johana and her band had a very cool introductory video and some great music that I was digging -- very pop-centered, which I've often lamented we're missing here in Indiana. I also like the fact that my lunch money converted to 100 Krona at the current exchange rate, which made me fell like a big shot throwing around numbers with multiple zeros at the end.

  • Day 4: Chakras EP w/ Producers Joe Chiccarelli & Ryan Siegel: Here's one of those cases where I realize I would be a very bad scout for a record label, because I love everything and want to make everyone succeed. I had already lined up Day 4 and Day 5 on Wednesday night when I got messages from two other challenge-takers asking why I didn't back Chakras' Kickstarter, which only had a little over a day to go. Chakras, after all, are frequent visitors to Indy, their music is in rotation on Indy In-Tune, and I've met most of them personally. Okay, truth was, I didn't know they had a Kickstarter; it must have gotten buried in the list. So, of course I jumped on it, and moved Bands #4 and #5 to be #5 and #6 -- Hey, looks like we're going to have a Week 2 now!

  • Day 5: John Kruth and the Drunken Wind of Life: Still looking for something a bit off-kilter and came across this project. Again, you should have a cool video that tells a cool story if you want to get your Kickstarter funded by strangers like me! John is an NYC-based singer/songwriter who is working on an album of his music set to the words of Croatian poet Tin Ujevic. Now, I love poetry, I love the title "Drunken Wind of Life," and I especially love that he's looking to get former members of the Violent Femmes and Camper Van Beethoven together on this project.

  • Day 6: Earwig - Pause for the Jets: Did you ever hear of a great band coming to Indy from Columbus, OH? It just doesn't happen. I remember when I first started doing Indy In-Tune, there was a sister podcast called "Constant Columbus" run by Kevin and Dorn, whom I spoke to a few times. Their whole premise for the podcast was to help drum up support for a dying local music scene. Honestly, I don't know almost a decade later if it worked or if the scene is still dying, but if these guys are any indication, they have some killer bands that we need to get on a bill over here.

So that's where we are. How did you guys do? What did you find that you had to get behind? Who's up for another week? I know I am.

Previous Post:
An In-Snide Look #376: Wherein a Challenge is Accepted
Next Post:
Show #170: Bashiri Asad Forever

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Today on Indy In-Tune

Listen Live:  

It's Acoustic Monday!

12:00 AM: Random Access Music
6:00 AM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 AM: The Chris Brake Show
8:00 AM: Work Safe Weekday Music
6:00 PM: Artist Spotlight
7:00 PM: Acoustic Monday
10:00 PM: Brother Brother Beercast
11:00 PM: Artist Spotlight

* Schedule subject to change without notice. Sorry, but that's rock and roll.

Solicitations and Submissions

Solicitations for blog posts can be made by sending and email to "blog -at- indyintune -dot- com" and should follow these guidelines:

  • Local (Indianapolis-based) acts always have priority.
  • Visisting acts playing a bill with one or more local acts are also considered.
  • We generally don't like to repeat content found on other sites. If your request already has a lot of coverage on other sites, it will be considered low-priority unless you can give us an exclusive angle.
  • For obvious reasons, we don't do solicited album reviews, though we do appreciate you letting us know when you have a new release. Consider coming in and talking about the album yourself live on the air or a podcast.
  • All of our staff writers are unpaid enthusiasts. All requests for blog posts are entirely at their descretion.
  • As such, they generally need a lot of lead-time to put something out -- we're talking weeks of lead time, not hours.
  • That said, individual authors have full authority to ignore the following guidelines and write whatever they want ... if you can convince them to.
  • In addition, feel free to write your own post and submit it for posting as a "guest blogger." Those almost always get accepted.
  • Finally, regional or national acts submitting without meeting the above guidelines are generally ignored. We're not trying to be dicks, but if you send us a generic form-letter with your press release, and it doesn't even remotely concern a local artist or event, then you're not part of our core focus.